ICXshark 2.0 Tutorial and FAQ

Spartan Node ICX
6 min readMay 10, 2021

The long awaited ICXshark 2.0 update is here!!!

The homie Cali has been deep in the VIP section of the Spartan Node computer science lab designing the new standard in cryptocurrency information bot. And all of his blunts, sweat and tears have paid off.

Spartan Node is proud to present: ICXshark 2.0!

Find him on twitter: @ICXshark

Not only does ICXshark retain all of his previous features that we all know and love, but he now brings you a whole host of information in real time, all you have to do is ask…

How Does ICXshark 2.0 Work?

To use the *ALL NEW* ICXshark, all you have to do is tweet at him with what you want.

For example tweeting “@ICXshark 7 day volume” will return the ICX 7 day change in volume.

Tweeting “@ICXshark spartan node medium” will return the medium of ICX P-rep Spartan Node.

Tweeting “@ICXshark catena website” will send you the website for the P-rep Catena.

What P-reps nodes are included?

  • All current P-rep nodes (140 as of writing) are included!
  • Nodes are listed below by their single word codes, please use them when requesting information about a p-rep from ICXshark. (If a p-rep is listed twice, multiple codes can be used)

:::P-rep Codes:::

binance — — — — foundation — — — — iam— — — — spartan
station — — — — iconation — — — — velic — — — — stakin
hyperconnect — — — — metanyx — — — — rhizome — — — — ubik
neoply — — — — everstake — — — — reliantnode — — — — sesameseed
mineable — — — — iconbet — — — — parrot9 — — — — dao
ibriz — — — — iconosphere — — — — webloc — — — — pinas
symmetry — — — — iconplus — — — — tntxt — — — — iconviet
staky.io — — — — staky — — — — atomic — — — — forge
interblock — — — — Peter-rep — — — — peter — — — — piconbellodao
citadel — — — — citadel.one — — — — tempo — — — — bara
bara-node — — — — plan-p — — — — icontrol — — — — iconologist
iconoscope — — — — foundry — — — — band — — — — midos
slovenia — — — — transform — — — — orangebloc — — — — belgium
geometry — — — — cardinal — — — — hourglass — — — — silicon
block42 — — — — blockmove — — — — sweden — — — — minergate
iconleo — — — — danal — — — — stakingteam — — — — deblock
stayge — — — — ozys — — — — rhythm — — — — australia
whale — — — — hola — — — — devshack — — — — chicago
icx_stratos — — — — stratos — — — — alice — — — — demos
malta — — — — newroad — — — — innovation — — — — mousebelt
multi.io — — — — guide — — — — iconlabs — — — — chainode
progression — — — espanicon — — — — icon usa — — — — stakedtech
staked — — — — australia — — — — oasis — — — — thailand
blockheads — —— unblock — — — — gagarincrypto — — — — remicx
berkeley — — — — france — — — — spark — — — — london
dsnc — — — — transcranial — — — — hermes — — — — signal9
loop57 — — — — icon-node-nl — — — — delight — — — — boom
sunrise — — — — fomo — — — — pocket — — — — figment
Iconnect-global — — — iconnect — —— x-node — — — icon4education
draicon — — — — iconpool — — — — iconserve — — — — panda
a_block — — — — catalyst — — — — infstones — — — — gilga
Manifest-icon — — — — manifest — — — — focus — — — — hypoicon
econ — — — — russia — — — — nodeasy.com — — — — nodeasy
iconsg — — — — dfg — — — — sicko — — — — azabu
freezer — — — — cat — — — — frontlines — — — — xangle
hashrate — — — — wiz — — — — ifnlife — — — — cobo
icxmerch — — — — noris — — — — mw — — — — postech
yudus— — — — nel— — — — common— — — — catena — — — — — — — — —asset — — — — reliant

::::::::@ICXshark COMMANDS::::::::


P-rep Medium: ex. “@ICXshark spartan node medium” : returns the medium address of a specific prep

P-rep Twitter: ex. “@ICXshark iconation twitter” : returns the twitter account of a specific prep

P-rep Website: ex. “@ICXshark catena website” : returns the website address of a specific prep

P-rep Information (SPONSORED BY CATENA P-REP): ex. “@ICXshark metanyx info” : returns basic information of a specific prep

::ICX Stats and Info::

Current Price: ex. “@ICXshark current price”

Current Market Cap: ex. “@ICXshark current market cap”

Current Market Rank: ex. “@ICXshark current market rank”

Current ICX Circulating Supply: ex. “@ICXshark current circulating supply”

Current Staked ICX Amount: ex. “@ICXshark current staked”

1-Day Price Change: ex. “@ICXshark 1 day price change”

1-Day Volume Change: ex. “@ICXshark 1 day volume change”

1-Day Market Cap Change: ex. “@ICXshark 1 day market cap change”

1-Day High Price: ex. “@ICXshark 1 day high price”

1-Day Low Price: ex. “@ICXshark 1 day low price”

7-Day Price Change: ex. “@ICXshark 7 day price change”

7-Day Volume Change: ex. “@ICXshark 7 day volume change”

7-Day Market Cap: ex. “@ICXshark 7 day market cap change”

30-Day Price Change: ex. “@ICXshark 30 day price change”

30-Day Volume Change: ex. “@ICXshark 30 day volume change”

30-Day Market Cap Change: ex. “@ICXshark 30 day market cap change”

YTD Price Change: ex. “@ICXshark ytd price change”

YTD Volume Change: ex. “@ICXshark ytd volume change”

YTD Market Cap Change: ex. “@ICXshark ytd market cap change”

Staking Calculator Link: ex. “@ICXshark icx staking”

Note about staking calculator: Initially Sharkbot 2.0 was going to show live information about ICX staking rewards for certain amounts. However, some community members have voiced concern about posting their ICX balance publicly on twitter, and for safety reasons we agree that posting the amount of ICX that you will be staking on twitter could be potentially dangerous. For this reason Sharkbot 2.0 will point users to a website where they can get staking information privately, rather than having their balance in public view on twitter.

— Due to twitter API limits, only 20 requests can be handled per minute. So if you don’t get a response, please try again 1 minute later.














